Race #10 Motoland Casa Grande

AVDRA is holding co-op race with AHRMA and AZOT joining in our fun! Terry McPhillips, Southwest Regional Coordinator and Carl Smith, President Director, Arizona Old Timers are the leaders of these two clubs! The deadline for pre-entry is Sunday, November 7th, at 12:00 Midnight Arizona Time. Pre-entry costs $40 1st class and $30 2nd, 3rd, classes... Even if the page is up after 12 midnight it says what day you signed up so you will be charged post entry prices $45 1st class and $35 2nd, 3rd... Track info: The track has new owners Mike and Adriana Swarick. They will both be at the track stop by and say Hi! They don't have the store that is still there. The store will be open Saturday and Sunday for the same things you used to be able to buy: water, coffee, drinks, snacks, gear etc. Gate fee is $15 Adults age 13+, $10 Child age 6-12, Free Child 5 and under. If you pay with a credit card any fee at this track you add 1 dollar. Currently, Camping is Free, no amenities (which are coming but improvement takes time)! Saturday Practice: 8am to 2pm Cost: $20 Pee Wee 50cc $25 Mini 65/85/100cc $35 Big Bike 125cc+ Sunday-Race Day! Gate Opens: 7:00 am Signup open: 7:00 am to 8:45 am Mandatory Riders meeting 8:45 am to 9:00am Practice: 9:00 am to 10:00am First Race off at 10:00am Trophy presentations 15 min after the last checkered flag!
Any questions/help about pre-entry or above info call Pam at (602) 350-1014 or Candy at (928) 890-7522. Lets have a safe and fun race! See you there!