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Race #7 Thunder in the Valley, Lakewood CO 9-19-2021

Update as promised!

Pre-entry for CO closes Sunday, September 12, 2021 at 12 midnight Arizona time.

Saturday Practice: 9:00 am to 3:00pm Cost is $25.00 per rider

when practice stops AVDRA signup will be open for early signup Camping is FREE!

Sunday: Gate opens: 7:00 am Signup: 7:00 am to 8:45 am Mandatory riders meeting 8:45 am

Practice starts at 9:00 am First race off at10:00 am

1) Have your arm bands ON (that you get for $15 at the gate of track)

2) your CURRENT Membership (AVDRA or Rocky Mountain) Pre-entry 1st class is $45 & 2nd, 3rd,.... an is $30 a class. If you are wanting to enter Pat’s 100 race you can leave a note on your entry or call or text (928) 890-7522 and I can help you with that.

If you post enter at track or online after 12 midnight 1st class is $60 and additional are $30. We take cash, check and credit cards with a small fee.

Motoland 9-26-2021 pre entry closes Sunday 9-19-2021 more track info on Casa Grande AZ in a week or so. Thanks


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