AVDRA NEWS: Race 6 June 26,2022 Bullhollow Raceway Monticello, UTAH

SATURDAY, Practice June 25, 2022 is from 12pm to 4pm and cost $20 each rider, this is paid to the track not us.
Very important info: Please pre-enter! Pre-entry closes at Midnight, Arizona time, on June 19,2022.
Pre-entry for 1st class is $45, 2nd class is $35.
Post entry is $60 1st Class and $45 2nd Class so Pre-enter (even if you just think you can make it) so get it done or come and pay more at the track!
Just want to tell you current temps are mid 80's day and mid 50's at night. We understand the current cost of gas at Maveric-Diesel#2 is $5.57, Unleaded is $4.97, Mid-Grade 87 is $5.17, Mid-grade 89 is $5.27 and Premium is $5.37! Camping is free but gas is not and if you need a Motel room instead of bringing a Trailer, Motorhome or Tenting It here are the Local Motel in Monticello.
INN AT THE CANYON ..................(435) 587-2458
THE MONTICELLO INN................(435) 587-2274
THE WAYSIDE INN .......................(435) 587-2261
There will NOT be food on Sunday! Sorry!
Gate is open at 7:00 am
Sign up from 7:00-8:45
Practice is from 9:00 - 10:00am
First race off oat 10:00 am and trophy presentation is 15 min after the last Checkered Flag.
Any problems or questions with sign up call Candy at (928) 890-7522 or Pam at (602) 350-1014. Hope to see you there!
2022 AVDRA RACE Schedule
